The new Call Of Duty trailer aims to finally teach people about WWII

Earlier today, Activision released the first trailer for Call Of Duty: WWII, a game that the company hopes will introduce a whole new generation of kids to the thrilling highs and horrifying lows of the European theatre in World War II. That’s going off of a big reveal event that Activision streamed on YouTube, which put a heavy emphasis on the game’s historical accuracy and the value of telling a story set in a war that a lot of young people may have only heard about from their elderly grandparents. Also, while Activision was very proud of the game’s educational value, it did not take the opportunity to weigh in on the whole debate about whether or not it’s good to punch Nazis. Maybe it’s saving that for the multiplayer gameplay reveal later this year?

As for the trailer itself, it doesn’t tell us much about the game other than that it looks a lot like Band Of Brothers and that it stars Josh Duhamel, but honestly all most people care about is whether or not it says Call Of Duty on the box. (It does, right above an image of a somber-looking soldier.)

Call Of Duty: WWII was developed by Sledgehammer Games, and it will be available on November 3 in $60 and $100 packages, depending on how much money you’re willing to spend on vague promises of “digital content.”

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