There's no Lost revival in the works just yet

It may seem like every TV show people used to like has come back in some form, but ABC doesn’t have any plans to hop on a doomed plane yet for a Lost revival. That’s according to TVLine, which asked ABC president Channing Dungey if the network is planning to send a new batch of survivors on a mystery-filled adventure with a divisive finale. She said that there have been no “official discussions about that,” but it does seem like something ABC would be interested at some point—naturally, because the show was a massive hit for a while there.

Of course, Dungey’s response also seems fairly similar to what NBC initially said about a revival of The Office, which was basically “we’re not talking about doing it, but we’ll happily do it.” Since then, though, NBC did start having those talks and an Office revival seems like an inevitability at this point. Given that, it’s possible that simply the curiosity about a potential Lost revival will be enough to convince ABC that it might be worth it, but there’s still no guarantee about that. Also, as TVLine points out, Lost co-creator Damon Lindelof has indicated that he has no interest in resurrecting the show because it would be “frustrating” to undo the original ending.

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