True Blood 

Season five of True Blood found the show’s writers, creators, producers, and actors all finally embracing what the rest of world already knew—that their show was a bit of a joke. A sexually charged, gory, campy joke.

The first trailer for season six hints at more of the same for the upcoming shortened season, which will only contain 10 episodes instead of the usual 12. When Sookie and company return to HBO on Sunday, June 16, audiences will be awash in copious amounts of feverishly running blood, badass vampire Tara action, blood, shirtless Alcide, blood, and Evil Bill, all crazed and, of course, bloody. With episode titles like “Rock Hard Times” and “Fuck The Pain Away,” it’s clear True Blood isn’t really aiming for art, but whatever. It should be a bloody good time all the same.

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