Trump dismisses Michael Moore's limited engagement Broadway show as a flop

Michael Moore’s Broadway show The Terms Of My Surrender didn’t accomplish its stated goal of bringing down Donald Trump once and for all, but it did successfully complete its 12-week limited engagement run earlier this month. Trump, meanwhile, has never been one for the arts or for a basic awareness of facts, so when presented with the idea that Moore is no longer doing his show on Broadway, Trump apparently interpreted it as proof that the show was a failure. He obviously had to share this with people on Twitter, but in a rare moment of clarity, he also recognized that his dig at Moore was “not at all presidential.”

Moore responded, recognizing the softball pitch and hitting a zinger that Trump was practically asking for:

Moore also turned his good tweet into a helpful Twitter thread on the various actual issues that Trump is either ignoring or trying to distract people from, including the ongoing crisis in Puerto Rico and—oh yeah—the fact that Robert Mueller has gotten approval for the first charges in his investigation into Russia interfering in the presidential election. Even Playbill couldn’t sit idly by while Trump shared inaccurate information about a Broadway show, publishing a piece on its website about how Moore’s The Terms Of My Surrender was always planned as a 12-week run so Moore couldn’t fit it into his schedule.

Last week, Moore announced that he’ll be taking the show on tour next summer, but he might have to rework some chunks of it by then.

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