Trump preps for first UN meeting by sharing GIF of him hitting Hillary Clinton with a golf ball

If you just felt a sudden chill, it might be because Donald Trump is attending his first United Nations General Assembly. Yes, the UN, the global organization that helps maintain international order, which Trump has decried as “not a friend of democracy. It’s not a friend to freedom.” The president has meetings set with multiple world leaders, including South Korean president Moon Jae-in and Japanese prime minister Shinzō Abe to further discuss tensions with North Korea, which continues to hold missile tests.

Trump, who probably only agreed to attend the summit because it meant visiting New York’s Trump Tower on the country’s dime, is preparing for this auspicious occasion the way you might expect he would: by mocking Kim Jong-Un and retweeting posts from his loyalists. In addition to what looks like a drawing of him running away from home—with this country’s industries, no less—Trump retweeted a gif that spliced footage of him playing golf with a video of Hillary Clinton tripping while boarding a plane to Yemen in 2011, so that it looks like he hit her with a golf ball.

Trump might have taken a figurative swing at Clinton after learning she’d called him a “creep” in her election memoir for acting creepily at their debates. Or maybe he was incensed that that same book soared past his Great Again: How To Fix Our Crippled America to the top spot on Amazon’s bestseller list, where it remains despite some guerrilla marketing attempts by his supporters on Reddit.

It’s not clear what about the former Senator provoked him enough to retweet that GIF, but it’s certainly in character for him to share something that juvenile when he should be doing research, like looking up what “UN” stands for. But when taken into context with his Monday morning tweets—which promoted his Muslim ban—and national security adviser H.R. McMaster’s statement that Trump’s “American First” agenda would make an appearance at the General Assembly, we now half expect him to withdraw America from the United Nations.

[via BuzzFeed]

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