We feel absolutely no serenity now that we've had another look at Sinfeld, the Seinfeld-themed horror game

We feel absolutely no serenity now that we've had another look at Sinfeld, the Seinfeld-themed horror game
Screenshot: RareBird Games

When we first covered Sinfeld Chronicles—a horror game based on Seinfeld and other New York City-set comedies—it had already established itself as one of the more delightfully strange pop culture send-ups we’d ever seen. Now, with the release of a new, real fever dream of a trailer for (the now-renamed) Sinfeld Remastered, what was shown in the past looks downright tame in comparison.

The trailer, which opens with a monologue about peeing on beds and being marked by the mean streets of a post-apocalyptically miserable New York, gives us a closer look at protagonist Donathan, who’s been recast from Jerry’s nephew to his adopted son. He walks past trash fires and graffiti-covered alleys toward the Seinfeld diner, New Balance sneakers splashing in puddles. As if the Akira pill jacket and Frogger machine weren’t an incongruous enough match already, Donathan finally turns around, revealing his haunting, grizzled babyface, and says, “Kept you waiting, huh?” in an ode to Metal Gear Solid.

It only gets more disorienting from there. Donathan—who the video’s description tells us is “trapped in an endless loop of nightmares” after being abandoned “by Jerry at about 3 A.M. in the Big Apple”—shares an upside down Spider-Man kiss in an alleyway, is mauled by a sewer alligator, watches an Eva unit fight a kaiju, jumps onto a helicopter to smash its window with his forehead, and dodges a bald giant outside the welcoming lights of a Tim Horton’s. We also see him absorb the now-literal spirit of Festivus and are shown hints that Donathan may be the result of a secret scientific experiment.

In short, the whole thing looks absolutely wild.

Creator RareBird Games describes Sinfeld Remastered as “an action horror comedy parody featuring various gameplay styles inspired by Resident Evil, Silent Hills, and P.T.,” which is good to know but also makes us wonder how the delirious tone of the trailers will translate in play. We’ll find out before too long. RareBird’s Austin Stock tells us that Sinfeld Remastered is tentatively planned for an October release on PlayStation 5 and PC

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