What should we ask game developers at E3?

Next week is E3, America’s biggest video game trade show, and that means it’s time to pick the reader-submitted questions that will make up the 2015 Gameological Questionnaire. Here’s how it works: You suggest a question in the comments that you’d like us to ask game developers, and we’ll pick out a handful of our favorites to use at E3. Be sure to upvote the questions you like, because we take reader enthusiasm into consideration when we’re choosing. In keeping with Gameological spirit, we’re looking for a variety of questions, both silly and earnest. We won’t be asking anything mean-spirited, but your questions can certainly be pointed. And keep in mind, it should be a question that we can ask any developer, no matter what they’re working on. We’re seeing games made by four people and games made by teams of 40 or more.

If you’d like examples of the kinds of questions we’re looking for, you can check out last year’s questionnaire or any of the resulting interviews. We should mention that, in keeping with the Questionnaire tradition we established last year, we will be carrying one of 2014’s questions forward to this year, specifically: “If my resume included a whole summer spent just playing your game, how should I spin it as valuable experience?”

As for rules, you can submit more than one question, but don’t go crazy. If you spam up the comments, we’ll be doubly sure not to pick any of your suggestions. That’s pretty much the only rule. We’ll announce the glorious winners in Friday’s Keyboard Geniuses article. And we’ll post a Newswire with our E3 coverage plans this Friday, too. Happy inquiring!

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