Willy Wonka's Mike Teavee was on Jeopardy! and didn't mention his chocolate adventure

Jeopardy! fans are well-versed in what makes for a good anecdote during the contestant introductions, since we’ve all suffered through too many boring stories about how someone’s spouse proposed in a weird way or how they’re a teacher and they like to play Jeopardy! with the kids in their class, but one contestant on the show this week actually chose not to share a legitimately good anecdote. As reported by USA Today, a man named Paris Themmen took his time in regular “awkward chat with Alex Trebek” segment to explain that he’s an “entrepreneur” and an “avid backpacker” who has hiked in six contestants, which is fine, but he neglected to mention that he also played Mike Teavee in Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory.

Themmen doesn’t do much acting anymore, and you can’t blame a child actor for not wanting to talk about their experience, but you’d think he would’ve mentioned to Trebek that he once won a chance to visit a chocolate factory with some other kids, especially if each of those kids suffered a tragic accident until only one kid was left to inherit the factory. Themmen didn’t win the competition, meaning he won’t be back to compete again, but maybe he had been hoping to get a streak going so he could deploy this good anecdote in a future episode.

No matter what, though, Mike Teavee popping up as a Jeopardy! contestant is pretty perfect.

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