Thank you, wilderness: Yellowjackets team teases spinoffs

Can we get a whole show about Christina Ricci's Misty solving unrelated crimes? What about Allie and her traumatic experience NOT crashing with the others?

Thank you, wilderness: Yellowjackets team teases spinoffs
Bart Nickerson and Ashley Lyle (left) with the cast of Yellowjackets Photo: David Livingston

With all the hype around this Sunday’s season 4 Succession premiere, it may be easy to forget that another major drama is also returning to our screens the very same night. But as the girls on Yellowjackets learned over and over and over again, one only underestimates the wilderness at their own peril. While that might not mean grizzly bears, shroom trips, and cannibalism for those of us lucky enough to be snug and safe at home, it will almost definitely mean spoilers for what is sure to be a bonkers season steeped in lore, blood, and (hopefully) answers to some of our burning questions. More importantly, it could also mean missing important easter eggs for some potential spinoffs that the writers are cooking up.

Ashley Lyle and Bart Nickerson, the show’s married creator team, teased this possibility in a recent interview with The Hollywood Reporter. Speaking of the real life pressures presented by Showtime’s upcoming merger with Paramount+, Lyle said the following: “We’re aware that [spinoffs are] something [the network is] interested in, and we certainly aren’t closed off to the idea. It would have to make sense. We have a couple of ideas.”

No word on what those ideas are yet, but a tease like this is sure to get the show’s very rapidly formed fanbase (one which we are very much a part of) foaming at the mouth with theories and speculation. Could it be about dead cabin guy and his seemingly endless store of ammo? A buddy-cop style dark comedy about Christina Ricci’s Misty and newly cast frenemy Elijah Wood solving crimes? We’d be here for anything this team serves us. (Get it?)

For now, though, Lyle and Nickerson have their plates full penning the series’ already-ordered third season. Because—as the show itself can attest to—sometimes real life is as thorny as traipsing around the wilderness, the showrunners also spoke in their interview about the potential writers strike (“All we can do is keep moving forward until we have to put our pencils down.”) and the crushing weight of fan expectation, leading to this wonderful tidbit from Nickerson: “As a very insecure person, everything I’ve ever written has been such a terrifying experience that this actually doesn’t feel any different. It takes me forever to send an email, so I live in that baseline of pressure.” No wonder this show is so anxiety provoking!

Yellowjackets season 2 premieres this Sunday on Showtime.

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